↑21.0° | (10:58) | Today | (07:08) | ↓12.3° |
↑24.0° | (13) | Month | (08) | ↓11.5° |
↑27.2° | (1101) | Year | (0802) | ↓11.5° |
↑44.7° | 120823 12:13 | 050221 05:15 | ↓8.7° |
9 | (02:58) | Today | (01:38) | 9 |
15.8 | (06) | Month | (03) | 19.8 |
15.8 | (01) | Year | (01) | 30.2 |
60.8 | 021221 13:38 | 080319 23:12 | 69 |
Temperature°C | Humidity % | |
18.2 | Working room | 62 |
20.5 | Basement | 56 |
19.5 | Bath room | 66 |
19.8 | Sleeping room | 61 |
19 | Front room | 63 |
20.4 | Kitchen | 59 |
22.1 | Outdoor shelter | 58 |
18.6 | Outdoor front | 63 |
0 | 3 |
Wind | Gust |
203° SSW |
CO2 | |
Working room | |
Bath room | |
Sleeping room |
Status | Status |
Powered by: IT La Palma |
Froggit DP1500 - Los Llanos, La Palma Never base important decisions that could result in harm to people or property on this weather information. Measurements partly since 01-10-2018 and partly since 01-02-2021 |
Credits, contact and . . . |